I can scarcely believe that it is late January already and we are just a couple short weeks away from Valentine's Day! For inspiration, I have a sweet collection of Art Work to share, precious paper confections and forget-me-knots from dear art sisters and friends. I also elicited the assistance of a few of my mannequin dolls to assist with the photo shoot and have been tearing up my studio for the last several hours trying to get some decent photos. There is just way too much "stuff" that had to be moved and I will probably spend the next several hours putting it all back in order.
Artist Credits (left to right): Valentine Garland by Elizabeth Shea (Vintage Christmas), Paper Cone (Easter) by Lisa Bruno (Bird & Bee Paperie), the mannequin doll sitting is holding a tag by Chris Capista (French Laundry), the Bingo Valentine card above is by Jackie Peters (Bird & Bee Paperie), the tiny Maxine dolls to the right and below the bingo card are by Nancy Gene Armstrong (Inner Child), the Follow Your Heart card is by Lisa Guerin (Bird & Bee Paperie), the center hand is holding a valentine paper doll by Connie Gevoa Stuart, the Marie Antoinette Valentine tag below that is by Barbara Smith (Queen of Tarts), the Valentine tag with the hearts tucked inside the bird bath teacup is by Lisa Bruno (Bird & Bee Paperie), the Marie Antoinette tag to the far right is by Barbara Smith (Queen of Tarts), as is the Marie Antoinette Valentine necklace worn by the seated mannequin on the right, and the lovely red Amore Valentine on the bottom right wearing the love letter dress is by Pat Rogerson (Queen of Tarts). The dressform is actually wearing a paper cone that I made using my very first collection of stamps (Inner Child). By the way, the hands holding cards are a vintage find that I will be adding to the Accessories section of my web site in the next day or so.
These Valentine Projects (left to right), The Queen of Hearts Valentine paper doll (French Laundry) and envelope is by Steffanie Gee, as is the second Valentine confection, embellished chocolate box and Valentine paper doll (Inner Child).
The bottom row includes to fabulous projects by Jackie Peters, a Valentine recipe book (using the new Mannequin Cafe stamps) and a Valentine Candy box also embellished with Mannequin Cafe stamps. These classes are currently on the schedule at Paper Crown in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma!
Also, for more inspiring Valentine Projects, be sure to check the files and photo albums in the Character Constructions archives on yahoo groups.
My deepest gratitude to these artists for taking time to share their artistry.
Thanks so much for dropping by!
p.s. found a couple more that I just had to share!
(the cage doll on the left is holding a Love Letter Dress valentine from Barbara Smith (Bird & Bee Paperie), and the small green sitting mannequin doll is holding a valentine envelope by Linda Warlyn (Bird & Bee Paperie). XoXoXo