"Life is the flower for which love is the honey"
Victor Hugo
I have been waiting for someone to ask me, so what is The Bird & Bee Paperie anyway? The short answer is to say that it’s a seasonal collection of images for creating paper dolls and other forget-me-nots . The long answer is that I have been enamored with a couple little books in my library for some time, one being Michelle Lovric’s book How to Write Love Letters and the other Cynthia Hart’s A Victorian Book of Love, Forget-Me-Nots. Now let me back up just a bit and explain that I love the dawning of a new year and the planning of new adventures. Each year I chose an idea to explore. This year I felt the times called for something pragmatic, with a focus on heart and home, in contrast to the excesses of the previous regime. More practical mind you, but not without a word or two of French and not without some merriment. This year my theme is simply L*O*V*E. The Birds & The Bees Kind of Love, love of our fellow man, it’s all about love. All we need is love . . .
Cynthia Hart’s Victorian Book of Love, though long out of print, is still available in used book shops. My copy bears a gold foil label from Victoria’s Secret London. It’s a sweet little book and from time to time I pick it up and reread it because all my image collections have been influenced by the Victorians in one way or another. Due in part to the fact that many of my illustrations evolve out of antique engravings, but also because I am drawn back to more innocent times. The Victorians were sweet and sentimental, and they left behind a dazzling legacy of paper mementos, billets-doux (love letters), valentines and love tokens, sweet and sentimental cards and scraps exchanged with dear friends, lovers and beloveds. Which makes we wonder what the future holds for those of us who love working with paper. A recent article in our local newspaper predicted the end of printed books in the next 25 years. Perhaps working with paper is a dying art too. If so, possibly (hopefully), our paper dolls and handmade forget-me-nots will someday be treasured collectables. In her book Cynthia Hart explains that in the Victorian era, those with a creative bent often referred to a Valentine Writer, little books of verse designed to inspire custom cards. The Bird & Bee Paperie is akin to that in that it offers today’s paper artists tools to aid in the creation of paperdolls, handmade cards and other mementos.
Each of my collections is generally a theatre of sorts, within which a story unfolds. So having finished my illustrations, the story took shape as I better acquainted myself with the new characters. I definitely see Grand’Mere Oiseau as the leader, and Honey and Pumpkin as her fledges. And, don’t you think the old Paris hotel would make a lovely place for a paper shop or paperie? And you know how one thing leads to another, well now I am finding myself quite enamored of bees! I am currently reading Holley Bishop’s book Robbing the Bees, and I absolutely adore it. No doubt I will be posting more on this book soon. But before I forget, I wanted to say that Michelle Lovric’s book How to Write Love Letters (also out of print) is a saucy little tome and well worth reading every titillating line.