This evening, while researching toy theatres on the internet, I found this magical little blog site: You could spend hours and hours perusing this site and the linked pages. For those of you participating in my theatre invitational, this should prove to be an invaluable research guide while you are creating your own personal toy theatres.
The plan is for each of us to create a toy theatre individually that will be published down the road in some format, such as a web site and/or a zine. We are still organizing and looking for players . . . interested? If so, please post a comment so that I can keep track of who is playing. As of yet, we don't have a deadline but this can be an intricate process, so I want to give everyone plenty of time. I am thinking perhaps late May.
THEATRE TROUPE GROUP: As of this date (1-22-08) we have fifteen members in our group, but silly me I don't have contact information, so s'il vous plait, please, everyone e-mail me with your contact information: [email protected]. Merci ~ Catherine